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Wednesday 25 April 2012

5 weeks 2 days

Well, 6 days ago I started sort of spotting and it's looking very similar to the last time when it finally ended in AF/ miscarriage, soooooo, I'm not feeling too optimistic about this one now. :(  I've also been having more AF type cramping, which feels like AF is just about ready to begin with full on cramping, but the cramps haven't gotten worse . . . yet, so I'm still HOPING that this little one sticks.

On a positive note, if it can be regarded as one, last time I began spotting since 4dpo already!  This time it only began at 18dpo, so I'm hoping that it means something and will be different from last time.  Also, my temps are still high and haven't dropped yet at all . . . however last time my temp didn't drop until 2 days after AF / miscarriage started, so I'm not sure how much value to place on temps at this point, in the sense of whether it'll drop a day or so before AF is about to come (like it always does with normal AF).

Oh, and another difference from last time is that from 19dpo I started having partial and full ferning on my ovulation microscope (indicating estrogen surge) which lasted until 24 dpo, the day before AF began.  At the mo I'm on at 23dpo and have had basically NO ferning at ALL, except for one day or so where there was the tiniest bit of ferning on one edge.  So I'm hoping this is a positive difference as well!  I'm grabbing at straws here, hehe.

Every time my cramps subside I feel a little more positive, like maybe this spotting will go away and things will go well from there on, but when they return again then I'm discouraged allll over again, ISH.

So yesterday I decided to get some bed rest and stayed in bed for most of the day, and I think today I'm gonna take it easy too - I think I can take my pc to bed and I'm gonna work from there, sounds like a good plan. :)


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