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Tuesday, 17 April 2012

15 dpo (cycle 13 of ttc)

Still no spotting!!!  :D  I really shouldn't be getting this excited since I could have my O day a little wrong (I wish I could have some expert second opinions!) . . . but if I'm really 15 dpo and still no spotting at all, hopefully it means good news!  :D

Yesterday I was a little disappointed 'cause my temp dropped, which is a sure sign that AF is coming the next day or so . . . but this morning my temp raised again! Yay!!  :D
See the last raised temp for today??  :D  I really really really hope this is it . . . but I'm a bit worried that I'm setting myself up for a HUGE ass disappointment by getting excited too soon.

So I'm T-R-Y-I-N-G to wait patiently to see if AF arrives in the next few days - if it's not here by Friday then I'm testing!  OMG, what a fun present this will be for my b'day in 2 weeks' time!!! :D

Baby dust and stick vibes to MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!  :D

P.S. all friendly baby dust and sticky vibe donations welcome!!  ;)

1 comment:

Mandy said...

Baby dust and sticky vibes to u!!!!!!! xx