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Tuesday 25 September 2012

27 Weeks 1 Day

Took another belly pic today and when I compare it to the one taken around 22 weeks I can definitely see it's bigger, hehe.
While I'm still blessed with the absence of any frequent trips to the loo, I've noticed that it's beginning to feel full now even when it's not, so Aidan's definitely beginning to compete with my other organs for space now.  :P

I was more easily getting leg cramps in bed recently for a little while (which is apparently a common pregnancy thing), but they seem to have gone away now already, so at least that didn't last long . . . maybe 2 or 3 weeks at most? - whew.

And I'm almost sure he's becoming more active.  Yesterday especially he seemed more active than usual, so that's cute.  Except when he kicks or punches into my bladder - that's a tad uncomfortable but luckily it doesn't happen that often!  Sometimes I just laugh when I see my tum wobbling when he kicks. :D

Sometimes when he moves around or does summersaults then I can feel him through my belly like a hard bump, but only for a little while, then he moves again - I have no idea what body parts I'm feeling, but I'm sure last night it must have been a foot or something because it was small.  Usually it feels like a big area, like his head or back or bum.

Anyhoo, we can't wait for him to come already. :D

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Pregnancy & Heartburn

When my second trimester started I started getting heartburn / acid reflux more often and now nearing the end of the second trimester it's becoming much worse and more frequently, so I thought I should see what I can do to improve matters!

Here's what I found:
  • try to avoid foods that are knows to aggravate heartburn, eg fizzy drinks, caffeine, chocolate (?!), acidic foods like citric fruits & juices, tomatoes, mustard & vinegar, processed meats, mint products, spicy and highly seasoned foods and fatty fried foods
  • don't have big meals - rather have many small meals through out the day, and eat slowly
  • don't drink large quantities of fluid during a meal - instead drink your daily requirements between meals
  • chew gum after meals - chewing stimulates the salivary glands and saliva helps neutralize acid
  • don't eat close to bed time - eat at least 2-3 hours before you go to bed to give your body chance to finish digesting the meal
  • sleep propped up on several pillows - elevating your upper body helps keeps your stomach acids where they belong
  • don't gain too much weight during the pregnancy - maintain a healthy weight as advised by your dr
  • bend at the knees instead of at the waiste
  • wear loose-fitting clothes around your stomach / midsection (something you should be doing anyway!)
  • use an antacid that's safe for use during pregnancy, so check before you just use any antacid as some contain aluminium (which you should ALWAYS avoid anyway) or aspirin or are high in sodium
  • try some natural heartburn remedies:
    • have some papaya / pawpaw, but make sure it's very ripe since unripe or semi-ripe papaya may cause uterine contractions
    • almonds may help settle the stomach
    • drink a tablespoon of honey in a glass of warm milk (but this will probably not work for you if dairy doesn't agree with your tum)
  I'm gonna try some of these (except the antacids) and see what works! :)

26 Weeks 1 Day

Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhh, this heartburn / acid reflux thing has been getting worse so I now have to find something to do about it.  :/  Last night it felt like I had heartburn almost constantly coming and going for half the night.  So see my next post HERE on some possible heartburn solutions.  :)

And it feels like I'm starting to feel queezy again sometimes.  Boo. 

On a happier note, Aidan's still kicking and squirming around a lot, and lately it feels like he's kicking into my ribs too, hehe.  It's weird to see my stomach move when he does, it feels like I'm watching one of those alien movies where someone's got an alien inside them.

And on a sadder note again (well sorta sad) - we can't shop for baby stuff anymore until after the baby shower in November :O  But that's ok, at least we get to save a little money. :)  So all I have to do is stay OUT of shops that sell cute baby clothes.

And we got a really cute fabric for the nursery curtains and bed stuff, so I can't wait until they've been made already! :D

Thursday 13 September 2012

24 Weeks 3 Days & We Got the Pram

We had our first appointment last week with the Dr who will be delivering Aidan. :D  He delivered my sis-in-law's baby in Jun this year so I thought I'd give him a try too and so far he's nice. :)  Here's a scan he did:
That's his arm and hand there. :D  It was also really cute 'cause we could make out his nose and mouth too - I should have told him to capture that one!  Oh well.....maybe next time.  We could also see his spine this time and yet another confirmation that he's a boy, hehe.  Everything else is fine too says the doc.  He's been in breech for the last couple of scans but it seems that's normal this early in pregnancy and sometimes they only move into the right position within the last 2 weeks or so - not that this matters much to me since I'm planning a C-section anyway!

He said we could see a dark spot where the bladder is which means the kidneys are working and we could see a dark spot where the stomach is which means he can swallow. :)

Our next app is for beginning Oct and then we have to register the delivery and book a bed at the hospital.  I'm choosing to have a C-section so I'm beginning to get nervous. :O  Also hospitals make me nervous. :S  So I already can't wait for all that to be over and to be back home again.  Hopefully their food is good...you think one can request double serving of dessert with the meals?? :)

And we found a pram we like and Weed (aka me dad, hehe - he's been Weed since decades ago, dunno where the name came from) offered to pay for half of it, so we got a really cool pram for half price. :D
It's got brakes, shocks, a mosquito net and even a rain "jacket" to cover the whole pram.  Oh, and little tables for me and Aidan's snacks. :D  And the hippo is what my sis got for Aidan - it's seriously the cutest hippo on earth.  :)