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Friday, 20 April 2012

4 Weeks 4 Days

Today I had some slight AF-type cramping and some spotting.  :S  Well, slightly light brown-tinged CF.  I got a little worried about the spotting (not so much about the cramping because that's normal during early pg) until I read comments from others on CountdownMyPregnancy.com (which is where I'm recording my pregnancy!) that spotting, even accompanied by cramps, is quite common and normal . . . as long as the spotting isn't red and the cramps aren't sharp and painful . . . whew!

So I'm hoping the spotting goes away so that I don't have to keep wondering if it's gonna get worse or not.  And this crampiness is annoying - it sort of makes me feel almost irritable (because it feels like AF is beginning and the accompanying cramps annoy me, haha).

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