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About Me

Well hi there!  If you’ve somehow managed to stumble upon my humble little blog….welcome! :)

This blog is going to be my online diary of sorts where I (aka Noob Mum) will talk about everything that springs to mind concerning baby stuff!  Anything from my & Noob Dad’s trying to conceive stories, to the pregnancy, and all the way until girl-baby Danielle or boy-baby Aidan arrives and all adventures that are to be found in the life of Noob Parents.

Here’s a quick summary of our story so far:

We’re both in our early 30′s and in Feb 2011 decided that we’re going to try for a baby.  We’ve been together since 1997 and were married in May 2010.  So as of today we’ve been ttc (trying to conceive) for about 13 months, with 1 early miscarriage under the belt.   We’ve been determined to get this done as naturally as possible, so let’s hope it’s still in the cards for us! :)

I’ve also been doing a lot of reading about fertility and will be posting some of what I’ve found as well, so if you came here looking for some tips and info about how to increase your chances of becoming pregnant, I hope you find something of interest. :)

Anyway, you can read more about what we’ve been doing ttc-wise so far, in my first blog post!

Baby dust and sticky vibes to all!

18 April 2012 - got a + hpt!!!  :D

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