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Friday 6 April 2012

Natural Fertility Aids - Vitex Agnus Castus

Also known as chaste berry, this herb can help with infertility issues in that it assists with the following:
  • it helps to restore hormone balance, which in turn helps to regulate your menstrual cycles
  • in regulating your cycles, it can bring on ovulation if you have not been ovulating regularly, or if you're having anovulatory cycles
  • it can also bring on menstruation if it has been absent
  • it's helpful in fixing a luteal phase defect, by maintaining progesterone levels during your luteal phase
Vitex is not a hormone and so it doesn't increase or decrease your hormone levels - it acts on the hypothalamus and pituitary glands to balance hormones.  And there are no harmful side-effects to using vitex.

As it is not a fast acting remedy, it may take several months to begin noticing any changes in your cycles and fertility, so don't give up on it after only a month or 2.

Since vitex affects your hormones, you should stop using it as soon you become pregnant!

I started using vitex tincture (about the same time that I began with B6 supplementation), and from month 1 my luteal phase was lengthened by a few day (it was a little too short), but in month 2 my ovulation was delayed by 3 days.  Since I'm not sure which supplement is doing what, I've since discontinued the vitex early in my 3rd month of taking it, but continued with the B6 - this way I can assess which supplement is actually helping and which one is delaying ovulation.

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