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Monday 26 March 2012

Natural Fertility Aids - Evening Primrose Oil

Evening primrose oil (EPO) assists in the production of fertile-quality cervical fluid, increasing it's quality (making it more sperm-friendly) as well as quantity.

Fertile-quality cervical fluid is good for fertility in that it:
  • aids the sperm to easily move through the cervix and uterus to the fallopian tubes, and 
  • helps the sperm stay alive and mobile for several days inside the uterus / fallopian tubes
The longer the sperm remain alive, the better the chance of conception, especially if intercourse happened a day or more before ovulation. 

Fertile-quality cervical fluid is produced around the time of ovulation, during your fertile days.  You should notice an increase in cervical fluid during this time, and fertile-quality cervical fluid should have a stretchy, slippery, clear, egg white quality to it.

I've seen EPO supplementation suggestions anywhere between 1000mg per day, to 3000mg per day, so do your own research to determine what is safe for you.  Important: EPO supplements should only be taken from cycle day 1 up until day of ovulation (ie it is not be taken after ovulation onwards) - this is because EPO can cause uterine contractions during pregnancy, and this is obviously not conducive towards sustaining a pregnancy.

EPO is an essential fatty acid so it has an array of other health benefits.  So if you wish to continue taking EFA supplements after ovulation, use flaxseed oil (also an EFA) between day of ovulation until your period begins again.

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