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Wednesday 10 October 2012

Small Red Dots on Belly During Pregnancy

Yip, I found yet ANOTHER weird and generally un-mentioned pregnancy symptom, lol.  Mine started somewhere in the 2nd trimester . . . can't quite remember when, but I started getting little red dots on my lower belly shortly after I started using an anti-stretch mark cream on my belly.  They didn't bug me or anything, they were just there.

It looks like it's something you get sometimes during pregnancy because your skin is more sensitive to products that you apply to it, during pregnancy - most probably because of hormone changes.  If they're not irritating you it's probably nothing to worry about (although any kind of rash could be a sign of an actual problem, so get yours checked out just in case).  I suspected it was the cream that was causing the dots, so I stopped using it and switched to bio-oil but still didn't see 100% improvement, so now I'm using aqueous cream and I think the dots are going away . . .

It's weird because I use bio-oil on my boobs and there's no problem there, but I suppose it's different for everyone.

Anyway, they say the dots can appear anywhere on your belly and even thighs, legs, arms etc.  And there are other conditions caused by pregnancy that can cause red dots, such as heat rash on parts of your body that usually stay warm and moist.  Other causes are something known as PUPPP which is itchy red dots and most common during the 3rd trimester, and prurigo of pregnancy which usually appear on your legs, feet, arms and hands and is itchy as well.

I've read that it could also be that one is allergic to the placenta (well not so much the placenta actually but that's how some refer to it . . . but it's because the placenta produces progesterone during pregnancy and progesterone can cause an increase in allergies, eg skin rashes). 

Usually these symptoms seem to disappear within about a month after birth.

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