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Wednesday 3 October 2012

28 Weeks 2 Days & Nursery Update

Definitely bigger than last week!
Aidan's 71% complete and he's also getting much more active. :D  Besides the usual kicks and squirming, last night it felt like he was jumping up and down, hehe.  We really can't wait until he gets here already. :D

I saw a cute growth chart sticker and of course I had to get it.  We stuck it on the cupboard door - it came with some extra animals so I just stuck them on the other door.  Cute! :D
You can only start measuring once he's at least 60cm tall though, so in the mean time it just has to make the nursery look cute! :D

Me and my mum went fabric shopping for the curtains and bedding and FINALLY found something cute and affordable and in the colour scheme and animal theme that I wanted - this is what the curtains and duvet cover are going to be made from:
On Friday I'm going to give my mum-in-law the measurements, so hopefully I can get the end products SOOOOOON - I'm gonna be really impatient, hehe.  Once the curtains and bedding is up and on, it's really going to look much more like a real nursery. :D

And I also knitted a blankie.  I can't knit but I bought a loom knitter 'cause it looked like fun to use (and it is!) and so I had to make something with it, so why not a fluffy blankie?!  You can only make things of limited size though, so I had to knit 4 squares and then "sew" them together, so you can see one of the joins going through the blankie, but oh well:
It's REALLY soft though, and it's quite big for a little baby so when you fold it in half you won't even notice the join. :)
We still have to wash the carpet of the nursery because a certain yoghurt-eating DeeDee . . .
. . . has been using it as her bedroom for the last 2 years, so not looking forward to that, because a) we've never washed a carpet before and we've borrowed an oooold carpet washer (looks sort of like a vacuum cleaner thingy) from one of our parents, so hopefully it actually works properly, b) we have to empty out the nursery furniture which also means we have to take the cot apart again because it can't fit through the door whole, and c) well it's a schleppy job and we probably have to wait a few days for the carpet to dry thoroughly before we move everything back in again.

At the mo I'm working on a (hopefully cute) mobile for either above the cot or above the changing station, we'll see.  So I'll post that when it's done! :D

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