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Tuesday, 18 September 2012

26 Weeks 1 Day

Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhh, this heartburn / acid reflux thing has been getting worse so I now have to find something to do about it.  :/  Last night it felt like I had heartburn almost constantly coming and going for half the night.  So see my next post HERE on some possible heartburn solutions.  :)

And it feels like I'm starting to feel queezy again sometimes.  Boo. 

On a happier note, Aidan's still kicking and squirming around a lot, and lately it feels like he's kicking into my ribs too, hehe.  It's weird to see my stomach move when he does, it feels like I'm watching one of those alien movies where someone's got an alien inside them.

And on a sadder note again (well sorta sad) - we can't shop for baby stuff anymore until after the baby shower in November :O  But that's ok, at least we get to save a little money. :)  So all I have to do is stay OUT of shops that sell cute baby clothes.

And we got a really cute fabric for the nursery curtains and bed stuff, so I can't wait until they've been made already! :D

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