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Friday, 24 August 2012

22 Weeks 4 Days

Finally, my first official baby bump pic, hehe,

I went shopping today trying to find some nice tops that will be flattering to wear, but I couldn't find any. :(  But then I thought, summer has just begun and I have quite a few nice tops that could easily be worn by a mum-to-be, so even if I don't find anything nice I don't really have to worry about it, I think I have some tops that can last me all through this pregnancy.  It was more a case of that I didn't have much winter pregnancy-suitable clothes - but I think winter is over now.  Except I don't have some cute pg dresses!  Still need some of that. :D

Anyhoo, while shopping today I was naughty and bought more baby clothes than I did anything for myself.  :O  Which I shouldn't be doing because my mum says she's bought bags of clothes for baby and so I have NO idea what she's bought, so hopefully there won't be too many identical outfits, hehehe. 

I just got over a really nasty and annoying cold, but I'm still coughing my lungs out now and then, *sigh*.  I didn't take any meds for it (except some tissue salts which I only remembered to do on day 3 of said cold), but I didn't have a fever and so it wasn't a cause for concern as far as baby is concerned.

I've also made an app with my newest doc (ob/gyn)early next month, the one who will be delivering baby.  I haven't met him yet but my sis-in-law was happy with him (he delivered her baby this July just past) and Noob Dad's female relatives have been going to him for YEARS so I thought I may as well use him too.  So hopefully he's likable!  :O  This will be the 4th doc I see relating to this pregnancy.  So I think once I get there we need to book a date for delivery and we need to register the pregnancy with our medical aid too, and apparently the medical aid sends us a hamper of baby goodies or vouchers or something when you do this!  Cool!  :)

Well I have some new baby clothes to hang up, let me get on with it. :)

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