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Saturday, 7 July 2012

How the Family Found Out

They all found out during week 12, and here are the fun ways we "told" them :D
I made little mini banana breads and added some cute tags:
Hehe.  I found this pic and thought it was so cute and funny.

And then for Noob Dad's mum and gran I decorated some tea cups (because they're HUGE tea drinkers and I knew this would be a good way to tell them, hehe) and wrote the message inside the cup so that they'd have to drink their tea and see what the message says:
And there was a "great-grammy" one for the granny. :)
But now I first have to explain how this "great reveal" went down - Noob Dad's bro and wife were expecting a baby too, he was actually due a few days after our news . . .  sooooo, grammy and great-grammy first thought that the message was in relation to their already-known-about grandson on the way, and that I'd just made some cute cups to remind them of that, lol.  So when me and Noob Dad realized that they didn't realize what the message was about, I told them "but this one's due in December!" and then they clicked - so that was amuzing, hehe.

Ok, on to the next ones!  For MY mum and gran I wrapped up our first sonogram pics like this:
And I told them to open these at the same time.  I don't think my gran knew what that picture was, haha. . . so she may not have clicked what's going on, so my mum had to explain what it is, hehe.  My dad was watching them unwrap so he got the news at the same time (and just before they were done unwrapping I gave my sis one of those banana breads above, so that everyone would find out at exactly the same time!)

However . . . I actually intended to tell my family with this little bowl:
We went there for dinner and I was going to serve snacks in this bowl (which I decorated too, duh) and wait for someone to find the message at the bottom inside the bowl . . . but things ran a little late and by the time we got to their house we went straight into dinner, so no time for snacks . . . and that's when I decided to just tell them with the gift boxes above.  I was going to give it to them after THE NEWS anyway just for fun.

I wrapped up a scan as well for Noob Dad's mum and gran:
And we used the same idea to tell Noob Dad's aunt the news too, but with a little mini gift box I made instead:
We also used the banana breads to give the news to Noob Dad's dad and wife - when he gave them the breads they just thought it was a little gift, nothing more.  So I had to tell them "but now read the tags!", so the wife does so but she doesn't click AT ALLLLL, I dunno what she was thinking but it looked as if she just thought it was a cute bread with a message that didn't really seem to mean anything to her, lol.  Then I told her "look at the pic!" 'cause maybe THAT would get the message over . . . but NO, haha.  Ish.  By this time dad has actually looked and read at it and has clicked - I just got the unbelieving STARE, lol - it was too funny.  So I told him "Ok, I suppose YOU get it!" and he said yes he does, but he doesn't believe it, and THEN his wife suddenly clicks from I dunno what.  That was really amuzing too!

So ya, we had some fun. :D

Needless to say everyone was excited and happy and shocked and surprised and all that, hehehe.

(HERE are some more fun ideas to make the announcement)

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