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Wednesday, 21 November 2012

2 Weeks to Go!

Days to go! :D

And I'm sure these 2 weeks are gonna fly by . . . as usual!  Noob Dad says he's a little nervous about Aidan's arrival, but I'm ok!  If there's anything I'm nervous about then it's the c-section.  :S  Not looking forward to that, but it beats the whole labour thing IMO. :)

I think we have EVERYTHING we need now for baby, and our hospital bags are packed (ie 2 big gym bags and a nappy changing bag full of stuff - nappies take up a lot of space! And had to make sure Aidan's got enough clothes for warm and cold weather just in case, hehe). 

I've picked up some weight during this last month or so, more than I've picked up throughout the whole rest of the pregnancy!  I think it's all Aidan though, not fat haha.  From the way he's really pushing out against my belly all the time now, I think he's got no space to stretch out anymore, hehe.  I can feel I've become bigger judging from the mission it is to get up from the floor or out of bed, it must look somewhat comical, because that's what it feels like hehehe. I must say I'm not really uncomfy in bed at all, so I'm glad about that because many seem to complain that they don't snooze well.

We've been having a heat wave here these last few days so of course I've been complaining my ass off because I hate the heat and have never been able to tolerate it well at all - especially not when I have to do stuff . . . anything at all really, lol . . . but ESPECIALLY blow wave my hair with a hot hairdrier  :S.  But thank goodness I haven't been getting extra hot due to the pregnancy - everyone thinks I'm complaining about the heat just because I'm pregnant, but ummmmm, we're in a heat wave, THAT'S why I'm hot lol.  Ish.  I complain EVERY year that I'm hot anyway.  Speaking of which, I hope my hospital room is gonna have a GOOD aircon!

I'm still having braxton hicks contractions regularly and it's a tad uncomfy to walk while having one of those, but nothing serious.  They have become stronger during this last week especially and I now get a weird tightness in my chest everytime I get them, but after googling it, it seems I'm not the only one so I suppose it's normal.

Anyhoo, I have my last doc appointment on the 26th for our final check up - can't believe that time has come!  Which reminds me that I must still take another belly pic or 2 before Aidan comes!

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