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Thursday, 27 December 2012

The Cutest Baby is Born! :)

On 4 December this little cute boogie came along . . .  :D  Little Aidan René on the day he was delivered:

Here's his info:

Day 2 - so tiny compared to daddy's hand:

Day 7 - getting burped:

Day 11 - my other baby JellyBean comes to say hello:

Day 12 - relaxing with mummy on the couch:

So ya, the pregnancy is over!  In fact, it went by so fast that I've already forgotten what it feels like to be pregnant, haha.  Here's a post-pregnancy summary:

The Good
  • Little Aidan is here!  :)
  • I can do my toenails again - bye bye big belly, hehe
  • No more trips to the loo in the middle of the night (ok, so I only had 1 each night just before sunrise, but still!)
  • I can eat spaghetti bolognaise again!  It doesn't make me queazy anymore, yay.
  • The acid reflux is GONE
  •  I can lie on my back again and be comfy!
  • I'm developing my doing-things-with-one-hand-while-holding-baby-in-the-other-hand skills 
  • No more leg cramps when I have a good stretch in bed!
The Bad
  • We don't get to snooze through the night anymore or stay in bed late - but it's ok, we'll get used to it!
  • After a practically spot-free pregnancy, they've wasted no time in coming back already  :/
& The Ugly
  • In the last week of pregnancy I got a bit of stretchmarks on my belly, and on my thighs for some reason, but after he was delivered I got even more stretchmarks on my belly! Boo.
The first few days were a bit hectic since all of this was all new to us and we got somewhat overwhelmed with all the crying and we didn't know what to do, but I think we've got the hang of it now!  Before he was born we read up about how to soothe a crying baby, and the techniques have actually worked!  So I'll post about them a bit later.
Anyhoo . . . . . . .

Did we make a CUTE baby or what?!?!?  :D

Sunday, 2 December 2012


day to go until we're officially Noob Mum & Noob Dad!  :O

Can't believe the time has come already!  :) 

Things to look forward to - besides the obvious of finally having baby here:

  • no more HUGE belly getting in the way!
  • no more acid reflux, double yay!!
  • I can snooze on my back again (which incidentally means I don't have to have achy hips most of the night anymore)!
  • no more braxton hicks!
  • hopefully no more trips to the loo just before sunrise
These should hopefully be all the IMMEDIATE improvements.

I'll be back . . . sometime soon!